Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Increasing :: Computer Science
IncreasingThe multi-store model of fund has been criticized for itssimplicity. Describe and evaluate the multi-store model and contrastit with oneness other model of memoryThe purpose of models of memory is to view a larger picture of how thewhole system of memory works. One model of memory is the multi-storemodel of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin. The multi-store model ofmemory (MSM) is an explanation of how memory processes work based onthe idea that in that respect are three single out stores. This model can becompared with the working memory model (WM), by Baddely and Hitch,where they give an explanation of immediate memory.The MSM shows that information first arrives at the senses. Ifattention is focussed on it, indeed it is transferred to short-termmemory. It demonstrates information is maintained in STM throughrehearsal, otherwise it will decay or may be displaced by newinformation. Increasing rehearsal leads to transfer from STM to long-term memoryconcluding that the mo re rehearsal, the better information isremembered.A strength of this model would be thither is general agreement thatthere is an STM/STM difference, and this is well supported by theexperiential evidence. The MSM is also the basis of many late models,even if they were then divided into further STM and LTM stores.However, The model of memory has been criticized for its simplicity.It does not sufficiently explain LTM, as rehearsal doesnt explain allLTM memories, e.g flashbulb memories. The MSM is over simplified andin practice, there are no clear differences between stores of memory.It presents a passive view of memory and cannot account for vigorousprocesses such as reconstruction. Research shows that memory does consist of a series of differentstores that are linked by rehearsal, as described by the MSM. However,there is more to memory than this, which is explained in other modelsof memory. For example, the WM is a refinement of the MSM, describingwhat is happening in immediate sto rage in terms of a further unsex ofstores specialised for auditory and visual information. The working memory model was proposed by Baddely and Hitch torepresent short-term memory in terms of further sub-divisions. WMconsists of 3 components Central executive, phonological loop and avisuo-spatial sketchpad. The Central executive acts like attention andhas limited capacity. The phonological loop deals with auditoryinformation and preserves the dress of information. Visuo-spatialsketchpad stores visual and spatial information when engaged in suchtasks. The model explains how simultaneous performance of two visualtasks interfere with each other, but not when one task is visual andthe other auditory.
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